Visit to the Meetup on "Modern Patterns with React 19"

Visit to the Meetup on "Modern Patterns with React 19"

Last week, I had the opportunity to attend an exciting meetup at DevTalk@TK focused on "modern patterns in React 19". The event was held in the main building of Techniker Krankenkasse, a well-known public health insurance company. The venue had an unexpectedly clinical feel to it, providing an interesting contrast to the typically more relaxed atmosphere of such events.

About 80 participants attended, including employees from Techniker as well as numerous developers experienced in React. The main speaker for the evening was Nils Hartmann, a professional coach and software developer. He split his talk into two parts: pure React and frameworks like Next.js, showcasing some of the new features.

My primary goal in attending was to expand my knowledge of the latest version of React. Although the meetup’s title was somewhat misleading and did not cover all the new features, I still felt that my expectations were met.

Along with two colleagues, I took the opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with other participants both before and after the talk during the catering. These conversations were very enriching and provided a great networking opportunity.

For future meetups, I would hope for a closer adherence to the topics announced. Nevertheless, it was overall a worthwhile event, and I would definitely recommend attending. I also plan to attend future events of this kind.